Job Applications
Here at Bargate Murray, we receive a lot of job applications for a range of positions – but in some cases, applicants let themselves down with sloppy presentation and avoidable mistakes.
So for the assistance of all, here are some tips if you are thinking of applying to work with an award-winning firm like ours:
- Properly address your letters – a generic photocopied note intended for a mass mailing does not impress.
- Try to remember who you are applying to. Believe it or not, we have received applications with a different postal address and firm name than that on the cover envelope. Easily done – but very sloppy.
- Explain why you are interested in Bargate Murray. Spend a little time to research the firm and set out a few reasons why you are applying to us and not Joe Bloe and Co.
- Be concise and to the point and include a short, precise CV.
- If spelling is not your strong point, get someone to proof read your application before it is sent.
- Show some enthusiasm!
Bargate Murray is, of course, an equal opportunities employer and your application will be considered entirely on its merits. Keep an eye on our job section for opportunities to work at one of London’s most exciting and dynamic boutique law firms!